Scars cannot be made invisible but their general appearance may be improved by Dr William Mooney, Surgeon, specialising in Facial Plastic Surgery.
Scars can sometimes add character but scars especially on the face can detract from attractiveness and beauty.

Dr Mooney will first look at the scar itself to assess the maturity of the scar and assess your skin type to unearth healing obstacles such as connective tissue diseases or skin conditions.
If you have an unsightly scar from trauma or surgery, they may be favourably addressed. There are a host of different techniques that can be used for scar revision such as a dressing and injections, through to re-excision and closure of the scar. Dr William Mooney can’t make scars invisible but we may improve the general appearance.
Please contact our Patient Coordinator through our Online Inquiry Form or call 0484 900 384 to book a consultation today.
Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
Expect to spend about 30 minutes with Dr William Mooney for a thorough consultation of your scar.
You will first be greeted by Dr Mooney’s receptionists, they will ask you to fill in a form with basic details.
During your formal consultation with Dr Mooney he will assess your full medical history, what caused the scar and a medical examination is performed.
We then move onto a cosmetic assessment; Dr Mooney will assess the maturity of the scar and assess the patients skin type and will carefully unearth healing obstacles such as connective tissue diseases or skin conditions.
Then he will look at the scar itself; is it unsightly? Is it a keloid? Is it badly fashioned or positioned? How does it impact on persona, confidence and their aesthetic?
There are a host of different techniques we use for scar revision such as a dressing and injections, through to re-excision and closure of the scar.
We can’t make scars invisible but invariably we can improve the general appearance.
Dr William Mooney will then discuss operative planning, risks and complications.
We always have at least two consultations before surgery. This cooling off period is essential as this is such an important life decision. It is a healthcare stipulation for young patients but we apply to all patients.
At our subsequent consult, we discuss the finer details of the pre-operative treatment; what to wear, eat, think and do as your operation approaches.
We don’t move forward until the patient and doctor are fully appraised and happy with the plan.
There are a host of different techniques we use for scar revision such as a dressing and injections, through to re-excision and closure of the scar.
We can’t make scars invisible but invariably we can improve the general appearance.
If you have a scar you don’t like, take time to discuss it with Dr William Mooney and his team.
Following your first consultation, the wait period for the scar revision procedure is between two to six weeks.
Scar revision can take up to one hour.
No, the patient should not experience any pain during the procedure, Dr Mooney will use an appropriate anaesthetic.
No, bruising and swelling is usually not a feature of scar revision.
You will not be required to take any time off.
Scar revision is commonly performed in Dr Mooney’s clinic.
Patients can return immediately home following the procedure.
Dr Mooney and the pre-operative nurse will go through all of your operative planning a couple of weeks before scar revision surgery.
Prior to your scar revision surgery, you may be advised to stop and start certain supplements and medication.
Dr Mooney and the pre-operative nurse will go through all of your operative planning a couple of weeks before surgery.
It is not a difficult recovery and pain is not a major feature. The procedure is performed in a clinical setting in an hour.
Dr Mooney first performed a scar revision procedure in 1990.
Typically, Dr Mooney will ask our interstate scar revision patients to stay in Sydney for one week.
Typically, Dr Mooney will ask international scar revision patients to stay in Sydney for one week.
A scar revision is typically a purely cosmetic procedure and cannot be claimed via Medicare or private health fund.
The results with depend on the area and scar.
This will depend on the scar but scar revision should not interrupt your routine significantly.