Lifestyle You Article
Hi Everyone….here is my latest article on summer cosmetic surgery trends as featured online at the lifestyle channel’s site: Lifestyle You. I hope you enjoy. Dr Will. Click here to go to the website page.
Dr William Mooney Ear, Nose and Throat, Facial Cosmetic and Head and Neck Oncology Surgeon at Dr William Mooney Rhinoplasty Sydney talks us through the latest trends in cosmetic surgery.What procedures are popular for summer?
Summer is all about looking fresh, young and vital. Botox of course is great when used with subtlety, and remains the key to freshen tired eyes and erase the frown of a long cold winter. Fillers are also fantastic around the mouth, and to gently plump lips. This gives a youthful vitality and great ‘kissable lips’ for summer.
How can women feel better about their bodies in summer?
Our clinic focuses on the face, and keeping your face young and alive is as important as working on your body. Often girls are keen to shed Winter kilos and work hard at this time of year getting their ‘bikini bodies’ in shape. This can play havoc with faces, and rapid weight loss can make you look drawn, and tired. Maintaining volume through the mid-face really keeps a youthful glow and we achieve this with gentle filler treatments. Our new Dr Spiller skincare range is a great addition to our treatments, and as a daily treatment at home can really keep you looking your best for Summer.
What are the current trends in cosmetic surgery?
Natural is the key right now. Too often I see women with frozen faces or ridiculous lips. The aim now is to soften lines, gently enhance features such as the cheekbones, and erase aging features such as tear troughs (bag under the eyes) naso-labial lines, and fine wrinkles and lines.
Rhinoplasty remains an essential surgical procedure and it has functional and cosmetic benefits. Better oxygen delivery during sleeping and exercise lead to a healthier mind and body, and improved nasal contour is a discrete but effective anti-ageing tool.
Is cosmetic surgery still popular even with current financial strains?
Cosmetic surgery can be expensive, but less expensive options such as cosmeceuticals and peels, fillers and botox, and even minor procedures such as thread lifts, and blepharoplasty (eye lid lift) are relatively inexpensive and as such a great money saving alternative that can still achieve effective results.
Which celebrities do you feel have embraces cosmetic procedures well?
More often than not I am disappointed with a lot of the work I see in magazines, but I have noticed a trend to ‘less is more’ in slowly and thankfully emerging. Botox, for example, being used to erase the lower crows feet lines (ageing) and maintain a couple of upper lines, which gives a smile sincerity. Natalie Portman in a recent rom-com had this done to perfection.
Top cosmetic surgery tip?
Keep your target for facial treatment real! Aim to look great for your age rather than pretending to be something you are not. Take time to check the qualifications and experience of your practitioner, and go slow. I would prefer my patients, for example, to say ‘I love my new lips Dr Will, I’d like a little more…’ than think ‘….”oh no I have over done it!”