Dr Will Features in the Sunday Telegraph with Ros Reines discussing Kate Middleton’s Nose
Wednesday, February 06, 2013
She has the most coveted nose in the world, inspiring unhappy women the world over to go under the knife.
Kate Middleton has women copying her hair, her fashions and now her face, with plastic surgeons saying more clients are marching in clutching photos of the future queen of England.
The UK is experiencing an unprecedented rush for nose jobs and most of them want Kate’s, with the numbers trebling since 2011.
“There is a hard-wired, evolutionary preference for Kate’s small, straight nose,” psychologist Carmen Lefevre, who specialises in the study of facial attributes, told the Daily Mail newspaper.
“The symmetry of Kate’s nose, the angle between her lip and the tip of her nose, and the minimal amount of nostril on show are all near-perfect.”
Sydney surgeons say there’s been a marked shift in the desire for celebrity noses.
“We’ve had quite a few patients coming in asking for Kate Middleton’s nose,” says well-known Sydney plastic surgeon Dr Michael Zacharia. “It’s a change from people wanting Nicole Kidman’s nose.
“Kate’s nose is certainly cute and there is not a bump on it as there was with Princess Diana’s.”
But it won’t suit everyone.
Dr Zacharia says Kate’s nose won’t suit those with “thick, sebaceous skin trying to achieve a nose that is all about shape and definition”. He gives everyone a score so they understand the change.
“If someone comes into me with a nose that is currently on the scale of 5 out of 10, I explain that I could probably give them a 7 out of 10 but nothing higher. Kate Middleton’s is a 9 or 10 out of 10,” he says.
Another Sydney plastic surgeon, Dr William Mooney, specialises in nose jobs. “There is always a latest celebrity nose that I am being asked to create for patients,” he says. “Kim Kardashian and Ashley Simpson have had a pretty hot run over the last few years, but Kate Middleton’s nose is rapidly becoming a popular request.”
And Dr Mooney is a fan.
“She has a straight bridge with a ‘supra-tip break’,” he explained. “This is a subtle lift above the tip which gives the nose a cute and feminine shape. We aim to achieve that in our clinic and it gives a lovely profile.”
But he, too, cautions that spending $10,000 to replicate her nose won’t work for everyone.
“It is important to remember that you can’t just plonk someone else’s nose on your face; each nose must be individually planned for your own facial structure.”