Otoplasty: The #1 Option For Ears

Monday, January 05, 2015

You may not have heard of Otoplasty, but it has been the treatment on the tips of many ears for many years.

Otoplasty is the procedure of having your ears ‘pinned’ or corrected,” explains Dr William Mooney, leading Australian cosmetic and ENT surgeon. “It is a very common procedure that has been performed for decades, and one used to correct the bane of many a child with ‘sticky-outy-ears,” he adds.

Cosmetic surgery on children may sound extreme, but when you consider the research, undergoing Otoplasty at an early age may prove a pivotal decision in your children’s life, he notes. “Studies have shown that if your ears stick out more than 14mm from the side of your head when measured from the back you are perceived as appearing a little “wacky” and, if young, this can cause much duress.

”Although widely practised, the unique aspect of Otoplasty is that it is purely cosmetic – not medical – and can be performed on kids safely as young as five.

The reason for considering Otoplasty early is simple, assures Dr Mooney. “Ears have achieved their full-size by the age of five, and therefore Otoplasty offers an option to detour any unkind digs that the school years may bring,” he says. “For myself as a father, it’s the obvious choice.”

There are several commonalities in ears that can be successfully corrected with Otoplasty. These include ‘’bat’ ears – the technical name for ears that stick out too far – or situations where the  ‘bowl’ of the ear is too deep, the folds are unfolded, or there is asymmetry. “All can be corrected,” assures Dr Mooney.

And rest assured, pain and discomfort for your child is minimal, with a general anaesthetic administered prior to the procedure, explains Dr Mooney. “An incision in the crease behind the ear is made to disguise any future scarring well and a headdress is required for only a week following the operation.

”Before you know it, play resumes, LEGO continues to get lost, dolls heads fall off – again – and your child’s life gets back to normal. Their confidence level, however? That reaches a whole new level.

– As we get older our skin begins to feel dry and rough. Many people mistakenly believe this is down to dehydration and that drinking more water is the answer. It’s not.

– As we get older, the top layer of skin – the epidermis – becomes less effective at carrying out it’s main function in life, which is acting as a barrier to the outside world and preserving water within the skin. As a result, water is lost to the environment and the skin looks and feels dry.

– Drinking more water won’t correct this, but a good moisturiser will. A good moisturiser not only contains water and moisture, it also contains ingredients that are designed to repair the skin’s barrier functions.

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